Sunday, March 24, 2013

Make Your Life Easier

Hi! Here are some amazing tips that make my life a whole lot easier - and I am sure will do the same for you! Enjoy! ...and sorry its Monday tomorrow =(

Have company on their way over and you forgot to put drinks in the fridge. Place your drinks in a large pot and cover with ice. Sprinkle 2 cups of salt on top of the ice and then fill the rest of the pot with water. Your drinks will be ice cold within 2 to 3 minutes.

Need to open a page in a new tab? Instead of right clicking and selecting "Open in new tab", save time by clicking on the link with the middle button on your mouse. If you don't have a mouse with a middle button you can hold down the ctrl key while clicking on the link. Or for Mac Users : Ctl + T

Get rid of the gap in the back of your pants by threading elastic through them.

To reheat pizza without getting the crust soggy, place the pizza in a nonstick skillet. Heat on low until warm.

When making deviled eggs, place the egg yolks in a plastic Ziploc bag with the rest of the ingredients. Close the bag and mash everything together. Once everything is well mixed cut off a small tip from one of the bottom corners of the bag and squeeze the contents into your egg white. Just too the bag once you are done for easy cleanup.

Keep an eye out for gifts for friends and family every time you go shopping. Buying gifts throughout the year will save a lot of time and stress when birthdays and Christmas rolls around.

Don't have time for exercise? Try double tasking. Do squats while you brush your teeth. Push-ups while waiting for the tub to fill up. One handed bicep curls while stirring sauce with the other hand.

If you have already sealed an envelope and realized you forgot to put something in it, place the envelope in the freezer for a couple hours. It will pop right open so you don't have to get another envelope.

For picture frames with two holes, hang them evenly and easily by placing a single strip of masking tape over the back covering the two holes. Mark each end of the tape where the holes are located for hanging the frame. Take the tape off and place it on your wall. Make sure it is level then hammer a nail in at each pen mark

If you can't find a shower curtain to match your bathroom style (in most cases I can only find solid black, brown, white and blue or really bright 'teeny-bopper' colors) Then try looking in the regular curtain section.

To peel a kiwi cut off the top and bottom, slip a spoon between the skin and the flesh. Twist the spoon around the the entire kiwi (keeping it between the skin and flesh the whole time). Then just pop the skin off.

Use Press'n Seal saran wrap to line your refrigerator shelves. When the shelves get dirty, just remove the wrap, toss in the trash and replace. No more scrubbing nasty food spills.

Stick old newspaper or magazines inside your boots when you store them. This will keep the tops from flopping over and adding unsightly creases to your boots. 

Accidentally close a tab on your browser? No problem! Hit ctrl-shift-T and the page will pop up again.

Use a hanger with clips to hold your recipes up where you can see the. No more greasy fingerprint all over your recipe cards!! 

Before grilling burger, press a hole in the middle of the patty. The hole will disappear as the burger cooks. This will minimize shrinking and you won't have to worry about them not being done in the center. 

 If your hair turns green from the chlorine in the pool, dissolve eight aspirin pills in a glass of warm water, coat hair with the solution, let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse. The green will be gone.

Need to hang a picture but there is nothing on the back to hang it from? Once you are done with your soda, turn the tab around. Using a pair of pliers grab the bottom (short end) of the tab and bend the tab down into the mouth of the can while pulling up at the same time. This will ensure that the ring is still intact so that you can attach it to the back of your frame with a screw and hang your photo

Need to light a hard to reach candle but don't have any long matches? Use a piece of uncooked spaghetti.

The lines on a Solo cup are measurement marks.

Tired of stopping on every floor of the building every time you use the elevator. Hold the 'close door' button and keep holding while you select your floor number. This will allow you to skip all other floors and go straight to your destination.

Out of AA batteries? Use AAA batteries and fill the gap with a wad of tin foil on the positive side.

Clear your cookies before booking flights!! Many travel sites track the number of times you have visited and will base the price depending on this. By clearing your cookies it will look as though you are a first time visitor and your price will be lower.

Need to break in some new shoes? Fill ziplock bags with water and place in shoe - spread out so water fills all areas. Put into freezer overnight. When the water freezes into ice it expands and stretches out the shoes! 



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